Desserts & Drinks

How to Make a Vegan Vanilla Cold Foam (Dairy Free)

How to Make a Vegan Vanilla Cold Foam (Dairy Free)

Great recipe guide on how to make a vegan vanilla cold foam coffee at home! Learn the secrets to the perfect creamy foam using soy milk and simple ingredients.

Cornflake Cakes with Golden Syrup and Vegan Chocolate

Cornflake Cakes with Golden Syrup and Vegan Chocolate

Try, our simple, fun recipe for crispy cornflakes cakes with golden syrup and vegan chocolate. It’s a plant-based cupcake-sized treat, and great fun to make.

Vegan Apple Crumble with Oats

Vegan Apple Crumble with Oats

Enjoy a vegan twist on a classic Apple Crumble with Oats. Satisfyingly sweet and entirely plant-based. A perfect dessert for everyone!

Simple and Vegan Banana Pancakes

Simple and Vegan Banana Pancakes

Discover the ultimate recipe for Vegan Banana Pancakes – fluffy, flavorful, and perfect for a delightful plant-based breakfast. Try them now!

Crepe Style Pancakes Vegan Recipe: Perfect for a Tempting Breakfast

Crepe Style Pancakes Vegan Recipe: Perfect for a Tempting Breakfast

Simple vegan pancake recipe for crepe-style pancakes. Perfect for serving rolled with lemon and sugar, or your favorite syrup.

Banana Bread Recipe with Nuts

Banana Bread Recipe with Nuts

We going to reduce our food waste by cooking a delicious dessert like this, but we are also going to make sure we keep it simple in the process. One bowl, one baking tray, and as little of your precious time as possible.

Is Wine Vegan?

Is Wine Vegan?

It would be not unreasonable to assume that wine is vegan. Grapes are fruit and the fermentation process of turning their sugars into alcohol requires no animal products, so why can’t those following a plant-based diet enjoy a carefree glass of Merlot with dinner? Well unfortunately in the pursuit of the perfect glass of vino, wine makers the world over have strayed from more natural processes. The good news for all of you rose-drinking, white wine-swilling, vino enthusiasts is that there is a multitude of “alternative fining agents, and these are used increasingly by winemakers all over the world. Bentonite (a type of clay) is one of the most popular.”

The Best Craft Beer for Vegans

The Best Craft Beer for Vegans

Craft breweries are that they are very ingredient-focused, they are passionate about using the best, often locally sourced, and responsibly produced ingredients. Many of these microbreweries exclusively produce hop-forward beers such as pale ales or IPAs, and typically they do not use any animal products.