Share Your 3 Ingredients Now

Share Your 3 Ingredients Now

Give us your 3 ingredients and we might just make your recipe.

In the form below share 3 ingredients with us. You could mix dark chocolate with broccoli and chilli flakes, or kale with kiwi and cashews for all we care, let’s get inventive.

Using the power of AI and the creative genius of humans we can create flavours no one has ever thought of before. This might not have been done before with good reason, but just maybe we’ll make something brilliant!

‘These 3-ingredients‘ was created by the content creators wanting to embrace and improve AI rather than turn their backs on it. We’re embracing the now while creating recipes that will be stored in digital history. We believe in community, that’s why we opened up this channel to collaborate with everyone watching our videos or reading our content.

Once in a while, we might drop you an email to update you with any news we want to share. But you can also choose to ignore us.

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