Recipe for Vegan Potato Salad

Recipe for Vegan Potato Salad

Occasionally my wife and I enjoy having what we call a picnic meal. Essentially, we gather up a load of tasty finger foods, salads and snacks and create a delicious-looking spread, which we normally can’t finish building before we are already halfway through eating it.

One regular dish that will find its way to this summer-style feast is an easy recipe for vegan potato salad. If the ingredients list needed to make this recipe for vegan potato salad doesn’t seem like a lot, you would be right. This is a side dish, regardless of how tasty this is, it should be something that you can make with one hand while juggling an assortment of other kitchen utensils required to make your chosen main.

Vegan Potato Salad Ingredients

1 kg bag of baby potatoes

125 g of mini gherkins

2 sticks of celery

250 ml jar of vegan mayonnaise

Ground rock salt and peppercorns (season to taste)

Vegan Potato Salad Recipe

So where should start when making a potato salad? You should start with the potatoes. No peeling required, pick a pile of your favourites, give them a rinse, and throw them into a pan of boiling water for 10-15 minutes. You don’t want to over-boil them, they will end up too soft and sort of disintegrate when you are mixing all your ingredients later. Just take one out of the water after 10 minutes, slice it in half and check that it’s cooked through.

Drain them all into a colander once you are content with how they’re cooked, and then cut them up into quarters. Set them to one side and grab a few pickles (unless you bought a jar of those mini ones, which is fine, you will just want a handful). Dice them up into fine little cubes and set them aside with your potatoes. Last bit of food prep, rinse the celery sticks and chop them into small pieces, each no more than about half a cm thick.

Finally, let’s mix all this deliciousness, all of your veggies with a few spoonfuls of vegan mayonnaise and cracks of rock salt and about half as much pepper. You can adjust the consistency and flavour to your preference here too. We like to use too much mayo, and we know it’s not that healthy, but it’s tasty, and in this recipe, potato is followed by the word salad.

If you want some extra tang, but without the crunch, then just add some of the pickle juice from the jar a spoon at a time, remix your salad and have another taste, and you’ll have the perfect simple side dish.

Creamy vegan potato salad with mayonnaise, pickle and diced celery.


Easy vegan potato salad recipe for a crisp and tangy side dish that's packed full of flavour. Great for sharing and perfect for that summer garden party.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Salad, Side Dish
Cuisine vegan
Servings 6


  • 1 kg bag of baby potatoes
  • 125 g of mini gherkins
  • 2 sticks of celery
  • 250 ml jar of vegan mayonnaise
  • Ground rock salt and peppercorns season to taste


  • Rinse the potatoes in cold running water and then add them to a large pan of boiling water
  • Boil for 10-15 minutes (see the packaging’s guide), but don’t over boil the potatoes, avoid them going soft and falling apart
  • Drain once cooked and then cut them into quarters and set them aside
  • Dice up the pickles into small pieces
  • Rinse the celery sticks well, chop them into small sections
  • Combine all the ingredients with as much of the jar of mayonnaise as you want, the more you add the creamier your salad will be
  • Season with ground salt and pepper to your taste
Keyword gherkin, mayonaise, pickle, potato, salad

Recipe FAQs

What Type of Potatoes Are Best for Vegan Potato Salad?

For vegan potato salad, the type of potatoes you choose can make a difference in the overall texture and taste of the dish. The best potatoes for potato salad are those that hold their shape well after boiling, so they remain firm but still tender. Potatoes such as yukons, fingerlings, yukons or new potatoes.

What Are Some Popular Add-Ins for Vegan Potato Salad?

  • Red Onion: Provides a mild onion flavor and a pop of color.
  • Bell Peppers: Adds color, sweetness, and a slight crunch.
  • Cucumber: Offers a refreshing, crisp texture.
  • Cherry Tomatoes: Adds a burst of juiciness and color.
  • Radishes: Adds a peppery crunch and vibrant color.

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