An Easy Vegan Recipe for Lasagne

An Easy Vegan Recipe for Lasagne

We’ve made an easy vegan recipe for lasagne because too many people avoid cooking this dish at home and reach for the shop-bought option instead, it can seem a daunting task, requiring you to produce multiple sauces from scratch, while being heavy on the ingredients list and requiring most of your kitchens stock of saucepans and utensils to bring everything together.

We’d like to change your mind, give you a simpler alternative (with some advanced options) and get a home-baked vegan lasagne to your dining room table using nothing more than a short shopping list of ingredients, one pan of boiling water, a frying pan, and an oven dish. You can walk into a supermarket right now and purchase pasta sheets, a jar of marinara sauce, white lasagne sauce, and a bag of frozen meat-free mince and you are well on your way to feasting on some classic Italian comfort food.

We will also share with you in this recipe how to create your own marinara and bechamel sauces, just in case this is not your inaugural lasagne bake, or perhaps you’re feeling slightly more adventurous today.

Vegan Lasagne Ingredients

9 lasagne pasta sheets

450 g plant-based mince

1 yellow onion

2 tsp minced garlic

800 g of red lasagne sauce

480 g vegan white lasagne sauce (recommend Tesco Free From sauces)

200 g grated mozzarella

Olive oil

Ground salt and pepper (to taste)

50 g vegan parmesan

Vegan Recipe for Lasagne

If you are a time-saving, ruthlessly efficient individual and have purchased white vegan lasagne sauce then you will not need to start by making your vegan bechamel sauce. Similarly, if you’ve already bought a marinara sauce too, you can start by heating a saucepan (big enough for the plant-based mince) over medium-high heat. If you have decided that today is the day you tackle your own bechamel or marinara sauces, then kudos to you and you should check out our sauces category to find recipes for both.

Once the pan has warmed up you can add the 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and then the 450 g of plant-based mince, which will take approximately 15 minutes to cook. Shortly after you have added the mince to the hot oil, break it up with a wooden spoon, and then continue to stir regularly until it has all browned. While the mince is cooking peel and dice the onion, and if you are not using pre-minced garlic then grab 2 cloves and finally chop them.

When the plant-based mince has finished cooking, take it out of the pan and set it aside. Then add another tablespoon of olive oil to the pan, toss in the onion and fry for about 3 minutes. Then add the garlic and continue to fry them together stirring occasionally until the onion is soft.

At this point, you can turn the stove down to medium, return the mince to the pan along with the marinara sauce, and let this delicious medley of flavours stew and simmer for a further 5 minutes. Just be sure to stir it once in a while to make sure that nothing is sticking to the bottom. Finally, you can season the red mince sauce with a few cracks of salt and pepper to your taste.

This lasagne is not going to build itself, so I think that we should probably see to that next. Start by preheating the oven to 220°C / 200°C Fan / 425°F / Gas Mark 7. Then in a standard ovenproof baking dish, we are going to start adding our layers, beginning with the rich red mincemeat sauce that we just made.

Just spread enough in the dish so you can’t see the bottom showing through the sauce. On top of this place enough sheets of pasta to cover the red sauce, and don’t worry if your sheets aren’t the exact size of the dish, you can just break them up a bit to make a full layer. Now spread another coating of red sauce onto the pasta sheets you just laid down. Then take just 1/3 of your white lasagne sauce and pour this equally over the red sauce.

Now you can repeat these steps two more times to complete the lasagne (pasta sheets, red sauce, white sauce, pasta sheets, red sauce, white sauce).

For the final part of this hearty Italian home-baked dish, you should scatter all of the grated mozzarella onto the top layer of bechamel sauce which is currently covering the surface of your lasagne. And onto the mozzarella, the 50 g of grated vegan hard cheese should be sprinkled all over.

Grab some aluminium foil and cover the lasagne in the baking dish to keep the heat in while it’s cooking for the first 40 minutes. After this, you should take off the foil, turn the oven off and instead use the grill on high heat to crisp the cheesy top layer of the lasagne. Once you can see it starting to brown, you are finished, and you should now remove your bake from the oven and set it down on the side to cool off for 5 minutes, because right now your delicious-looking dish is hotter than the surface of the sun. It will be worth the wait.

Vegan baked lasagne, with thick layers of red sauce, white sauce, pasta and dairy-free cheese. Served with a basil garnish.


A vegan lasagne recipe, packed with rich flavours and hearty ingredients. Perfect for a family dinner, and easy to cook.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 8 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian, vegan
Servings 4


  • 9 lasagne pasta sheets
  • 450 g plant-based mince
  • 1 yellow onion
  • 2 tsp minced garlic
  • 800 g of red lasagne sauce
  • 480 g vegan white lasagne sauce recommend Tesco Free From sauces
  • 200 g grated mozzarella
  • Olive oil
  • Ground salt and pepper to taste
  • 50 g vegan parmesan


  • Heat a saucepan large enough for the 450 g of plant-based mince and the 800 g of red sauce over medium-high heat, then add 2 Tbsp of olive oil
  • Add the 450 g of mince to the pan and cook for 15 minutes, break it up with a wooden spoon and then continue to stir regularly until its all browned
  • While the mince cooks, peel and dice 1 yellow onion
  • If you are using 2 cloves of garlic instead of tsp then peel and finely chop this and set it aside with the onion
  • Once the mince has cooked, remove it from the saucepan and set it aside, then add another Tbsp of oil to the pan and fry the onion for 3 minutes, then add the garlic and continue to fry them together until the onion has softened
  • Turn the stove down to medium and return the mince to the pan, along with your shop-bought or homemade marinara sauce, and let them simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally to avoid anything sticking to the bottom
  • Season the red sauce with a few cracks of ground salt and pepper to your taste
  • Preheat the oven to 220°C / 200°C Fan / 425°F / Gas Mark 7, and then in a standard ovenproof baking dish, pour in and spread out enough red sauce to cover the bottom
  • Then place pasta sheets on top of the sauce, covering it completely, and breaking them up into smaller pieces if you need to
  • Spread another layer of red sauce onto the pasta sheets you just laid down, and then taking a 1/3 of a jarred white sauce or homemade bechamel sauce and spread this evenly over the marinara and mince sauce you just spread onto the pasta sheets
  • Repeat these steps two more times to complete the lasagne, place the pasta sheets onto the white sauce you just poured out, then spread red sauce on top, then more white sauce, then pasta sheets, then red sauce, and then lastly white sauce
  • Now cover the top of the lasagne completely with grated vegan mozzarella, and then 50 g of grated plant-based parmesan or a similar vegan hard cheese
  • Cover the baking tray in aluminium foil and place it in the centre of the oven for 40 minutes, after this take off the foil and turn the oven off
  • Under the grill on high heat, let the cheesy top layer of the lasagne crisp until it starts to brown
  • Remove the baking dish from the oven and set it down on the side to cool off for 5 minutes before serving
Keyword bechamel, garlic, onion, pasta, tomato, vegan cheese

Recipe FAQs

Can I make lasagna ahead of time and store it?

Yes, you can assemble lasagna ahead of time, refrigerate it, and bake it when ready. It can be refrigerated for up to 24 hours before baking.

What can I serve with vegan lasagna for a complete meal?

Vegan lasagna pairs well with a side salad, garlic bread, or roasted vegetables for a complete and satisfying meal.

Can I make vegan ricotta cheese at home, instead of vegan white sauce?

Yes, you can make vegan ricotta cheese at home using ingredients like tofu, cashews, lemon juice, and nutritional yeast.

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